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Calling an external command in Python. Some hints on detaching the child process from the calling one starting the child process in background. Hp Psc 4100 Driver. Suppose you want to start a long task from a CGI script, that is the child process should live longer than the CGI script execution process. The classical example from the subprocess module docs is import subprocess. Popensys. executable, longtask. The idea here is that you do not want to wait in the line call subprocess until the longtask. But it is not clear what happens after the line some more code here from the example. My target platform was freebsd, but the development was on windows, so I faced the problem on windows first. On windows win xp, the parent process will not finish until the longtask. This version of the Yocto Project Quick Start is for the 2. Yocto Project. To be sure. How can I call an external command as if Id typed it at the Unix shell or Windows command prompt from within a Python scriptIt is not what you want in CGI script. The problem is not specific to Python, in PHP community the problems are the same. The solution is to pass DETACHEDPROCESS Process Creation Flag to the underlying Create. Process function in win API. If you happen to have installed pywin. DETACHEDPROCESS 0x. Install Microsoft Fonts In Linux Mint'>Install Microsoft Fonts In Linux Mint. Popensys. executable, longtask. DETACHEDPROCESS. UPD 2. CREATENEWCONSOLE 0x. On freebsd we have another problem when the parent process is finished, it finishes the child processes as well. And that is not what you want in CGI script either. Some experiments showed that the problem seemed to be in sharing sys. And the working solution was the following pid subprocess. Popensys. executable, longtask. PIPE, stderrsubprocess. PIPE, stdinsubprocess. PIPE. I have not checked the code on other platforms and do not know the reasons of the behaviour on freebsd. If anyone knows, please share your ideas. Googling on starting background processes in Python does not shed any light yet.