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Part 1 Phone call from Microsoft about virus is a scam Part 2 2012 Update to the Microsoft phone scam call about a virus Part 3 Questions and. Big. Blue. Button FAQWelcome. Welcome to the Big. Blue. Button projects Frequently Asked Questions FAQ. SiteContents/2-7C22D5236A4543EB827F3BD8936E153E/media/pl_wp_1.png' alt='Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' title='Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' />TemplateRefimprove This is a list of Internet socket port numbers used by protocols of the transport layer of the Internet Protocol Suite for the establishment of. Welcome. Welcome to the BigBlueButton projects Frequently Asked Questions FAQ. We the core developers created this FAQ to quickly answer common questions. Perl is a family of highlevel, generalpurpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages. The languages in this family include Perl 5 and Perl 6. Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' title='Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' />We the core developers created this FAQ to quickly answer common questions around installation, configuration, and using Big. Blue. Button. If you are a developer, youll find lots of answers herein that have been collected from discussions on our mailing lists. Autocad 2012 X64 Xforce Keygen For Mac. What if I dont find my answer here. The Big. Blue. Button community focuses its support in three mailing lists, each hosted by Google Groups. Each group focuses on a different topic of questions bigbluebutton setup Setup, installation, and configuration questions, such as How do I configure the Big. Blue. Button clientbigbluebutton users End user questions, such as How do I do X with Big. Blue. Buttonbigbluebutton dev All other questions, such as How do I integrate Big. Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' title='Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' />Blue. Button with my applicationThe developer mailing list has over 2. Scan this FAQ to see if your question is answered herein. Use Google to search for keywords related to your question theres a good chance someone might have already asked your question in the Google groups. If you think youve found a bug, first check the issues database to check if its already been reported. All of the core Big. Blue. Button contributors subscribe to all three mailing lists. Please dont cross post to more than one list you are only causing more effort to answer all the threads. Why is this project called Big. Blue. Button. The name came from the goal of making the process to setup a virtual classroom as easy as pressing a metaphorical big blue button. Why is it spelled Big. Blue. Button and not Big Blue ButtonThe trademark is written as one word Big. Blue. Button. Doing so makes it easy for others to use Google to search for information about the project. Where is the source. The Big. Blue. Button source code is at https github. As an open source project, you are welcome to fork Big. Blue. Button and build your own applications upon it. What is the open source license used in Big. Blue. Button. We use the LGPL license Version 3. Some of the open source components we build on use different licenses, such as red. GPL license. Will Big. Hello people, Here is a nice simple script that i found on the net which i modified a bit so you can gain free BTCs. Its main cau. Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 2017. Blue. Button always stay open source. Yes. We started Big. Blue. Button as an open source project, and we intend to keep it that way. One of the main goals we had was to create a large open source community around the project. To further this goal, we are in the process of putting together an independent not for profit Big. Blue. Button organization similar to the Eclipse Foundation to oversee and accelerate the growth of the Big. Blue. Button project. Big. Blue. Button Development Process. There is a very active Big. Blue. Button community of members on the developer mailing list over 2. In the Big. Blue. Button community at large all the members, users, developers, educational institutions, and commercial companies are all collaborating together on using and improving Big. Blue. Button. As with any open source project, the continued growth of the community depends on the quality of the software. The quality of the software, in turn, depends on the developers involved and the process we use to build a release. Development Priorities. The core group of Big. Blue. Button committers have adopted an open source development process with the following priorities in order Stability. Usability. Features. Cadena Epidemiologica Del Chagas Pdf there. Modularity. Scalability. Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' title='Cpanel File Manager V3 Free Download' />It cannot be overstated that the projects focus is primarily on stability. For a university or college to deploy Big. Blue. Button for live classes, or for a commercial company to embed Big. Blue. Button into their product, the software must be extremely stable. To that end, youll notice from the previous release notes that we tend to spend months testing each release candidate before issuing a release. Achieving stability is no easy task. Big. Blue. Button itself is built upon many great open source projects such as Free. SWITCH, redis, Akka, red. The stability of the product today is a direct result of the committers, the development process, and the community all working together. We release on quality, not dates. Usability ranks a close second. Without a simple to use we like to call it elegant user interface, Big. Blue. Button would neither be adopted, nor viewed as a compelling alternative to more complex and proprietary equivalents. Features are the focus of each release, and we focus on the features that our core market on line learning will benefit from most. Modularity enables components of Big. Blue. Button to be developed, refactored, and upgraded in parallel. During each release we invariably rewrite parts of Big. Blue. Button to improve modularity. Much of this is invisible to end users, but it keeps the technical debt low so we can innovate faster with each release. Scalability is important as our market grows. We designed Big. Blue. Button to be a highly collaborative system. Weve seen examples where there have been 2. If we wanted to handle hundreds of simultaneous users, we would have restricted the sharing of webcams and audio channels. There is no such restriction in Big. Blue. Button. Big. Blue. Button Committer. Like many open source projects, at the core of the project are a team of developers that have responsibility for core development and overall quality of the project. The current committers are as follows Committers Richard Alam, Lead Architect. Felipe Cecagno, ClientServer. Fred Dixon, Project Manager. Anton Georgiev, HTML5 Client. Tiago Jacobs, red. Chad Pilkey, Client. Calvin Walton, Record and Playback. Past Committers fondly remembered Marco Calderon, Server. Jeremy Thomerson, APIDenis Zgonjanin, Client. Gustavo Salazar, Record and Playback. The committers have earned this responsibility through years of contribution to Big. Blue. Button and to related open source projects i. In particular, we very much respect Richards seven year plus effort to create Big. Blue. Button. As the Lead Architect for our project, he has the final say. The committers are very active in the support and mentoring of other developers in the bigbluebutton dev mailing list. The Big. Blue. Button project also participated in the 2. Google Summer of Code Google paid for two students to work on the project. The committers group is not closed. Any developer that wishes to become a committer can achieve it through participation. The decision of expanding the committers group rests with the committers. Big. Blue. Button Development Process. Each release cycle goes according to the following steps. Planning. During the planning process, the committers decide on the main features for a release by reviewing the Big. Blue. Button Road Map along with all starred issues and, in particular, issues marked with tags stability and usability. We review the features according to the development priorities for our target market see When will feature X be implemented. Design. After the planning phase, each feature for the release is assigned an issue in the Big. Blue. Button Issue Tracker if it does not already have one. This allows the community to track the progress of each release. See List of open issuesenhancements. For small features, especially bug fixes, the associate issue provides a sufficient record for coordinating and tracking the development effort. For more complex features, such as record and playback, API changes, or creation of an HTML5 client, the lead developer for the feature would post specifications to Big.