Config Pro 6 Software
Config Pro 6 Software' title='Config Pro 6 Software' />My Apache Labs rig setups SM7. SJR webpages. Hi folks,This is a live document, changes will be added along the way. Latest rev of this document 2. Serial To Parallel Converter I2c Controller. Jan 2. 4My setups, number 1 Apache Labs ANAN 2. D, Orion firmware rev. OS Windows 1. 0 Pro. PC Workstation, ASUS Z 9. USB 3. 1. Intel i. S 3. 2. GHz. RAM 3. GB. Disk 2 2. 40. GB SSD. Softwares I am using for the ANAN 2. DE Power. SDR 3. WSJT 1. CW Skimmer 1. Virtual Audio Channel VAC. Virtual Serial Ports Emulator 0. Virtual Serial Ports Manager, by K5. FRDD util 3, by K5. ASAPIX 8. x Block Certain Websites URLs Using Regular Expressions With MPF Configuration Example. DD3util. I use this nice software to be able to use CW skimmer with my ANAN200D and also to enable different programs to talk to the rig. In DD3util you use RCP. PLC software called PL7 pro on my laptop. TOPS SOFTWARE CORPORATION 275 W. Campbell Rd., Suite 600 Richardson, TX 75080 USA 972. FAX 972. 739. 9478 www. A51%3A47.png?version=1&modificationDate=1471942408000&api=v2' alt='Config Pro 6 Software' title='Config Pro 6 Software' />BADSYSTEMCONFIGINFO is one of the common blue screen error. Go with the fix below, you would know how to fix it clearly. FRPhysical comports provided with Aten UC 2. My setups, number 2 Apache Labs ANAN 1. Hermes firmware rev. B. OS Windows 1. Pro. PC Lenovo X1 Carbon. Intel i. 7 4. 55. U 1. 5. 0GHz 2. GHz. RAM 8. GB. Disk 2. GB SSD. Softwares I am using for the ANAN 1. Power. SDR 3. 3. 9. WSJT 1. 0CW Skimmer 1. Virtual Audio Channel VAC. Virtual Serial Ports Emulator 0. Wzhy7N5zs/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Config Pro 6 Software' title='Config Pro 6 Software' />Virtual Serial Ports Manager, by K5. FRDD util 3, by K5. FRWhen I do firmware upgrades of my ANAN rigs, I use HPSDRProgrammer. From my setup 1 with ANAN 2. D, please observe the screenshots are from when I used Power. SDR 3. 2. 2. 4. This is a screen shot of my VSP setup. I have 4 comports in a ATEN USB Comport device. Which are COM1. 4 COM1. COM1. 7 not being used for the moment. Config Pro 6 Software' title='Config Pro 6 Software' />I have my TS2. X on COM61. 6 and my TS4. SAT on COM41. 4 and my K1. EL winkeyer on COM1. These virtual comports are splitters, I do not think splitters can be set up in VSPM by K5. FR, that is why I have 2 different virtual serial ports emulators. How is this working Well I can for example use HRD to talk to Com 6, I am doing this to get control of my TS 2. X from HRD. But at the same time I can also use N1. MM to talk the to same radio. VSPM, Virtual Serial Ports Manager by K5. FR. This is a screenshot As you can see the physical ports are seen on top and the virtual ports below. I set up pairs. One side of the pair talks to DD3util and the other side of the pair talks to the Anan 2. D or some other program. Omnirig which for instance CW skimmer uses seems to be incompatible with VSPE, so that is the main reason for using VSPM. DD3util. I use this nice software to be able to use CW skimmer with my ANAN 2. D and also to enable different programs to talk to the rig. In DD3util you use RCP radio control programs to talk to the rig on different com port pairs which is set up in VSPM see above. Here is the DD3util setup I am using for the moment My ANAN 2. D is setup for CAT control via COM81. See COM 8 above in the screen shot. Please note I have checked the DEMOHPSDR check box. I use HRD version 6. Now here is the tab ports You can see CWS on Com 2. That is the CW Skimmer. By using this feature I can either QSY in open. HPSDR or in CW Skimmer. Either way both programs will follow, really niceI am currently not using any other feature in DD3util. This is a screen shot of my VAC setup click the image for a larger image The reason for having 4 virtual cables is that I sometimes use one pair for the CW skimmer and the other pair for RX2 in my ANAN 2. D, and this is being used for other programs like WSJTJT6. HF or so that is pgrograms not using Direct IQ. Please note the different sampling rates. I use 1. 92 k. Hz for CW skimmer and 9. Hz for the other softwares. Open. HPSDR setup only the screen shots of things I have altered Ive changed ADC2 to ADC1 for the RX2. Some setup changes for my antenna setups. When using CW skimmer and choosing direct IQ on the next tab VAC, Ive noticed that sample rate must be the same here as on the next tab and in CW Skimmer. Otherwise there will be error messages and Open. HSPDR will not start. My current settings for the VAC1, which connects to RX1 in open. HPSDR. VAC2 which is connected to RX2. This is the one I use for WSJT, JT6. HF and so on. Ive changed the Fast Fourier Transform slider, otherwise the waterfall looked like crap. If this also brings some other phenomenas I am not sure of Of course I lowered the CW pitch. I have a Heil Pro. Set Plus Headset direct connected to the Anan 2. Some folks say I have a bit weird settings, but it seems to fit my voice nicely. Here is the settings for the PTT and CAT Control. Here is a screen shot of my running Open. HPSDR, click to enlarge it. CW Skimmer setup. Actually I run 2 skimmers in the same computer. Here is the settings for CW Skimmer no 1, which is connected to the ANAN 2. D. Setting the Sound. Card driver to MME instead of WDM enables sound in the PC speaker from the CW skimmer. And here is the settings for CW skimmer no. SDR IQ I also use RBN aggregator reverse beacon network to report some CW spots. Here is the config for getting CW Skimmer no 2 connected to it WSJT setup. As you can see I have the virtual audio cables as devices numbered 2, 5, 6, 7 and 1. The first group is for the input and the next group for the output. And here is the options page in WSJT, note the audio devices and the PTT port. Pure signal. Someone on the internet wrote a nice tip on using Pure. Signal when running an amp. If having wavenode power meter with probes which has RF view ports. These ports can easily be used as feedback to the rig for Pure. Signal purposes. Since I am using wavenodes, I am grateful for the eye opener.